The issue was that Monsanto promoted Roundup’s safety for people and pets by claiming that glyphosate, the active weed-killing chemical, targets an enzyme that is only found in plants.
The lawsuit claimed that the enzyme is actually found in people and pets, where it is essential for maintaining the immune system, digestion, and brain function.
Monsanto agreed to phase out labels that claim glyphosate targets an enzyme found only in plants, and replace it with language stating that glyphosate targets an enzyme that is “essential for plant growth.”
Under terms of the settlement, each member with proof of purchase will be eligible for a payment of 10% of the weighted average purchase price of the products they bought.
The settlement is not related to an ongoing litigation involving over 3,000 people who were diagnosed with cancer after using Roundup. Those cases are still undergoing mediation with Kenneth Feinberg.
Source: Monsanto To Pay $39M In Roundup False Ad Class Settlement